When it comes to handbags, especially handbags that look similar to really expensive, yet very nice handbags, I am completely powerless. I am slowly going through the ones in my collection and donating the ones I don't use anymore, and selling the ones that would be worth a dollar or more. On my most recent shopping trip with Clarissa, we stalked the bags we are (im)patiently waiting to acquire- and as soon as I saw this bag, I knew I had to have it to tide me over.
This Mini Stud Base Tote by Colette Hayman is very similar to the very desirable Alexander Wang 'Rocky.' I have seen this bag online, and on the street, and it's a divine bag. I wanted to update my little black bag, and decided this was the perfect, cheaper option until the time is right to pounce on the beauty I have been eyeing off for months. This bag is a fraction of the price of a Rocky, however it cannot be compared in quality- I find that you very much get what you pay for when it comes to more 'costume' purchases such as bags, shoes, and jewellery. I'm more than happy to pay minimal when it comes to things like accessories, but will compromise on less things I know I will want a decent use out of.
This piece comes in three colours- black, cobalt blue and tan- and the hardware comes in gold on the black and tan, and silver on the cobalt blue. I am going to road test this bad boy this week and give my thoughts in an updated review this coming weekend. I am excited to pair this with my long black winter coat and cute flats for work, and a leather jacket and boots for the coming weekend.
I'll be posting a outfit look for daily wear to night wear post next week to go with this piece, which I am really excited for.
I can't wait to rock this bag in the concrete jungle.